Experience enchantment with our Blue Rose Heaven Bouquet. Featuring stunning blue roses artfully arranged, this bouquet is perfect for making a unique and memorable impression.
Size | Normal, Large |
Add Ons | No Add On, Fairy Lights + SGD $8.90, Gift Bag + SGD $3.90, Gift Card with Handwritten Message + SGD $1.90, Gift Card with Metal Holder + SGD $4.90, Gift Set (gift card with rod, gift bag and fairy lights) + SGD $14.9, Graduation bear + SGD $6.9 |
Inner Tissue Colour | Aqua Blue, Black, Blue, Hot Pink, Pastel Yellow, Pink, Violet, White |
Outer Wrapping Colour | Black, Grey, Indigo, Lavender, Light Blue, Lilac, Pink, Rose Gold, Sage Green, White, Wine Red, Yellow |
Ribbon Colour | Black, Blue, Cream, Green, Pink, Violet, Yellow, Red |
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