How long does it take for the bouquet to arrive?

Answer: 10 to 15 Buisness days from order (Outside of Singapore ) 5 to 6 Buisness days (Locally in Singapore )

Will my flowers break during delivery?

A Highly likely not, we take high precautions in packing your bouquets, including multiple layers of cushion, bubble wraps, and further more we glue our parts together to prevent the blocks from falling apart

How long does it take for you to receive your bouquet

For locally (Singapore) Would be 3-4 working days, For overseas order it will take 10 working to 12 Working Days

Are the flowers already built? Or must we build it by ourselves

The flowers you see are already wrapped and built for you, but if you want to build it yourself we have our DIY version where everything you need including glue, tape and wrapping paper will be provided for you.

Do you offer bulk or custom orders for events?

Yes we do, do contact us for more information/discussion

What is the price range for your Lego flower arrangements?

Our flowers ranges from 25.90 to $170